Oliver Christian Wetterauer, Paintings


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Stay on the picture with your mouse pointer to read the title and year. To see an enlarged version of the painting, click on the image

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Balkonszene // balconyscene , 1999
Feierabend // let's call it a day , 1998
wie man ein expressionistisches Taxi ruft // how to call an expressionist taxi , 1999
Bayern basteln // do your own Bavaria , 1999 der Kreuzzug // the crusade , 1999
kleiner Maler, grosser Maler // small painter, big painter , 1999
o.T. // without title , 1999
die Zombies // the zombies , 1999
der kleine Kammerjäger // the little exterminator , 1998
Landschaft mit Prominenz // landscape with a celebrity , 1999
disneyland, 1999
das hohe Ross // taking a high ride , 1999
Superman kommt home // Superman returning home , 1999
the cars , 1999
na du armes Schwarzwaldmaedel // what's up little poor Black Forest girl , 1999

(c)2000 by Oliver Christian Wetterauer all rights reserved
